A B²TSM & TwoSet fan comic created using Sims 4 screenshots.
11. Presto con Fomo
While on a shopping trip, Tchaikovsky and Mozart hatch a cunning plan to lure Paganini away from his duties as editor-San and out of the basement.
10. A Slice of Life
A war on Reddit ignites after Mozart calls the B2TSM fandom to action.
09. Roasted
As the year draws to a close, Bach and Beethoven have different approaches to hosting a New Year’s celebration
08. The Algorithm
B2TSM consults their producer, Bang YG, after the celebration of a YouTube milestone is interrupted by an unexpected, pink obstacle
07. Dmitri Had Dreams
With the well-meaning help of his housemates, Shostakovich tries to find a new sense of purpose after giving the performance of his dreams.
06. Idle Hands
In the wake of B2TSM’s label raising the rent on their house, Paganini receives an ultimatum.
05. Game Night
B2TSM congregates in the dining room to play a tabletop roleplaying game with musical themes.
04. Amadeus ex Machina
Bach seeks advice from Beethoven and Paganini after discovering he’s the subject of some sacrilegious fan fiction.
03. Paybach
Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich go busking to raise funds for Bach’s organ re-tuning.
02. Got Talent?
Beethoven turns on the television and sees a familiar face on a popular talent show.
01. Conflict Resolution
Bach calls a B²TSM house meeting in an attempt to solve an instrument-based mystery.